Our offer


  • Personal rating page
  • All portals in one spot
  • Dedicated feedback form
  • Individual feedback questions
  • Multilingual
  • Feedback – Positive online/Negativ offline

Brief summary of the most important aspects…

  • Customer feedback and negative reviews::

    Negative reviews will not be posted online. They will be sent to your e-mail address via the feedback form, including your customer’s comments. Customers also have the option of sending you improvement suggestions with this form.

  • Integrating additional subsidiaries, facilities or restaurants::

    Do you have several subsidiaries, or a hotel in addition to your restaurant? No problem! On request, we develop separate rating pages for each of your facilities or restaurant. Simply tell us for how many subsidiaries you need a separate rating page, and we will compile a custom offer for you. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • Advertising your rating page::

    Even the best and most effective page offers little benefit if the customer does not know it exists. Each package therefore includes a pre-defined flyer design. You can display the flyer, distribute it, or better yet, your staff directly draws the customers’ attention to the rating page. We will gladly offer advice and find the right solution.

  • Languages::

    Your rating page can be selected in up to 4 different languages.